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The North Devon Marine Project is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that exists to ignite a passion for the ocean.
We are re-evaluating the method and adapting the technology to significantly improve our relationship with the sea. By improving awareness towards natural energy, marine life, science and engineering we can help stabilise the planet for future generations.
"The cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears or the sea"
Isak Dinesen
It is in everyone’s interest to protect the natural environment and ensure that growth is sustainable, making sure that meeting the needs of the present does not compromise the needs of future generations.
As sailors and marine operators we are the custodians of the ocean. With thought leadership, innovation, citizen science and collaboration, we can collectively drive transformative change.
Your kind donations help further the leave no trace at sea campaign, thank you.
North Devon Marine Project Ltd
North Devon, England, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2023 North Devon Marine Project Ltd
Registered 14379321 Barnstaple, North Devon, England
All Rights Reserved
North Devon Marine Project 2023
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